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How do I access new features?

I noticed that there was a new video for the new redesigned blot, but visiting /apps doesn't lead anywhere. Are the new features limited to new subscribers?

Also, the link to embedded in posts doesn't work on the "How" page.

4 years ago, 2 replies   Edit question

The apps page is now called the services page.

All users of Blot get access to all the features all the time. That demonstration video is rather old – many years old at this point – it's always been on the homepage but was recently made more prominent with the new redesign. The version of the dashboard you see in that video is not new, it's in fact the old version.

Do you prefer the old version of the dashboard? I'm always willing to listen to feedback.

And finally, I just fixed that broken link, thank you for the report!

Answered 4 years ago · Edit answer

Thanks for pointing that out. I can't believe that I didn't see that.

I've seen the video before a couple of years ago but because the home page had changed one day I thought maybe the video was new.

I like the dashboard. It's pretty simple and straightforward and I think that's the only version that I've used since I've joined. Thanks for asking for my feedback.

Thanks for fixing the link! You're welcome.

Thanks again for making Blot. It feels pretty perfect for my needs.

Answered 4 years ago · Edit answer

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