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Is there a way to publish a post, but not have it show up in the main feed?

2 years ago, 2 replies   Improve this question

I'm not David, but I've set up something like this on my own site, so in case you haven't figured it out yourself yet: You can exclude a tag from showing up in the main feed. Tag any post you don't want to show with a dedicated tag, say "hidden". Then, in your entries.html, add {{^tagged.hidden}} after {{#entries}}, and {{/tagged.hidden}} before the closing {{/entries}}.

You can do the same thing with the {{#recentEntries}} tags in your feed.rss if you also don't want the post to appear in your main RSS feed.

Answered 2 years ago · Improve this answer

The essential strategy will be to filter out entries from any of the entry lists in your template:


You could filter out these entries using either their tags or some custom metadata you set. Let's say you wanted to exclude all entries which have custom 'Orange' metadata declared:

Answered 2 years ago · Improve this answer