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How can I connect Blot to a Codeberg repo?

Codeberg is an alternative to Github and can also be linked to Github. I would like to make my Blot website based on a Codeberg repo. How can I do that?

2 months ago, 1 replies   git   codeberg   Edit question

The trick is to add Codeberg as a remote endpoint to the repo you have on Blot. The instructions for sharing the repo of your site's folder on GitHub will apply to Codeberg too.

First, set up your folder with the git client on Blot. Then clone Blot's git repo locally. Using your local git client, add a repo on Codeberg as a remote, e.g.

git remote set-url --add --push origin https://codeberg....

The next time you push, you will need to use the force flag to ensure the changes go through on both Blot and Codeberg:

git push --force
Answered 2 months ago ยท Edit answer