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LinkedIn unable to generate preview

I'm trying to link to a new blog post in a post on LinkedIn. For some reason, LinkedIn is saying it can't generate the preview. I've checked the blog post in LinkedIn Post Inspector to get specific details but it's just saying 'We encountered a server error while trying to inspect the URL.'

I checked with a post that has previously previewed fine in LinkedIn and that is also coming up with the error now, so I'm thinking something might have changed with the server rather than it being specific to the post I'm linking to.

a year ago, 2 replies   meta-tags   linkedin   Edit question

Never mind. Just tried again and all good now. Well, the preview seems to be working ok in the LinkedIn post. LinkedIn Post Inspector is still returning "We encountered a server error while trying to inspect the URL."

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

Great, this might be worth contacting LinkedIn's support about – it's out of Blot's hands unfortunately

Answered a year ago · Edit answer