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About the MathJax integration

In my other note taking apps (iA writer, Obsidian) an inline formula would be written as $f(x+y)=f(x)f(y)$ and a display formula would look like $$\int e^{ikx}\mathrm dx = 2\pi\delta(x)$$. As in, single dollar sign gives inline formula and double dollar sign a display formula. Note that inline/display dichotomy does not affect only where the formula goes, but also how certain commands display (like the limits of sums and integration change).

Additionally, the formulas in those other apps look much cuter, less angular and more smooth

Is there a way to change this behaviour? I would like the writing experience to be as close as possible to my other apps (i do a lot of maths typesetting, and I plan to do it on the blog too).

14 days ago, 6 replies   Edit question

Blot uses KaTeX rather than MathJax so that we can render ahead-of-time on the server.

Blot uses the following syntax for an inline formula:

an inline formula would be written as $$f(x+y)=f(x)f(y)$$

And a display formula like so:

\int e^{ikx}\mathrm dx = 2\pi\delta(x)

This is explained in the documentation.

You are free to install MathJax on your own template and disable KaTeX if you prefer the output.

I do want math to look good, though – are you willing to share some screenshots of equations which look better in Obsidian or iAWriter?

Answered 2 years ago · Edit answer

Ok, thanks for the quick reply.

I made a blogpost about these issues. I also found a bug that makes it hard to show $\LaTeX$ snippets in the process.

Answered 2 years ago · Edit answer

Great, thanks for this – I've followed up with you over email but:

  • I'm happy to follow convention and support delimiters used elsewhere
  • I'll update the font we're using to the latest offered by KaTeX
Answered 2 years ago · Edit answer

Awesome, thanks!

Answered 2 years ago · Edit answer

I'm curious if there are plans to support single $ delimiters for inline LaTex? It would be very helpful to me.

One hack might be to add an optional setting where a preprocessor would replace /\$.*\$/ with /\$\$.*\$\$/.

Answered 2 months ago · Edit answer

same for be! the best would be $ for inline and $$ for display!

Answered 14 days ago · Edit answer