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How to use the {{more}} tag?

I am changing entries.html so that it only shows {{{summary}}} of a blog post. I would like to indicate a "more" link if there is more text.

The {{more}} tag contains this information -- but how can I use this to display a "More" links? Can Mustache do this? Or do I need JavaScript?

3 years ago, 3 replies   Edit question

You can't accomplish this perfectly using the {{summary}} tag, since the {{more}} tag relates to the {{teaser}} tag. This will work:



    <a href="{{{url}}}">Read more</a>



This is another option:


  <a href="{{{url}}}">Read more</a>


Finally, you could always use your own custom metadata to accomplish this. Please let me know if you have any questions about this or anything else.

Answered 3 years ago · Edit answer

Thanks for this! I didn't realise that I can implement if-logic via the {{#... syntax.

Is there a way to globally set how long teasers are meant to be?

Answered 3 years ago · Edit answer

There is no global control over teasers right now, but I plan to add the feature in future. I'll follow up here when it's ready

Answered 3 years ago · Edit answer

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